Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2 months to go.....

I have no idea how I first got into Japanese - I decided to take it my senior year of high school once I had finished French, and all of the sudden I fell in love. I entered college thinking that I would just take it as my language requirement and say goodbye, but apparently it was impossible. So here I am, counting down the weeks (only 10 to go!!!) until I leave the States for Japan for 10 full months. It feels like just yesterday that I decided I would actually even go for it.
Of course, I'm looking forward to it but at the same time, I'm almost shitting my pants XD BUT I'm trying not to think about it now and just get through these months (I'm working on a farm in central Illinois....don't ask how I got myself into that.....)
Stay tuned for more updates as the countdown continues!